Frequently Asked Questions

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$6 Million
Building envelope improvements
Water System Upgrades
Electrical and Mechanical updates

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Who can participate in MCAP?

Any government or non-profit project in the State of Maryland. 

What kinds of projects can receive this type of program support?

There are a wide variety of projing of HVAC equipment, lighting, boilers, windows, water conservation, CHP and renewable energy projects. ects including retrofitt

Is there a limit on the size of the project?

Typically, MCEC will be an attractive finance solution for projects above $2 million. No bond size is too large for MCAP other than the bond market's appetite for the transaction. 

How much funding is available through the program?

There is no practical limit on the availability of funding for credit-worthy projects. Bond funding is generated through a competitive bidding process with qualified investors. 

What is a typical rate and term for the bonds?

MCAP sources capital through a competitive bid process ensuring an attractive cost of capital to the end-user. Because projects are unique, the variables of each project including the scope of work, amount of financing and participant will impact the pricing. 

Does my organization have to be rated by a bond rating agency to use MCAP?

No. MCEC works with its financing team to find investors for MCAP qualified projects.